Every person I watched had negative feelings towards it. Good thing it was only about $5.
The only good thing about the Covergirl Trublend Liquid Foundation was the color options. But whats the point of a perfect match with next-to-nothing coverage?
A few days later I was in the local drugstore and I came acrost a small display advertising a Maybelline foundation. I forgot what the foundation was called but It was similar to the product I have now.
A week later and tones of reaserch later, I bought the Maybeline Superstay Silky Foundation in the lightest shade.
I was skeptical, how could this stuff really stay put the entire day without transferring? Beats me.
This stuff stays. I mean- it holds tight through out the entire ENTIRE day
For example; a few days ago my family and I went hiking up a glacier in Alaska. The wind was so ferice, plastering the trees to the ground and rain pelting on us sideways. Whenever I rubbed my soaking sleeve on my face nothing came off. Expect I do remember a smudge from my chin wiping off but besides that it was all good.
Now that is what I call, super stay.
[image from Kaboodle.com]