I have been proud to say that I have never entered that store. but now that would be a lie.
So Lisa (Thankfully she is not one of the 4) seriously forced me, (not like the violent way, but I was restraining) into Hot Topic. I was frozen as my pink converse stepped onto the black grunge cement. shiver.
For literally 5 minutes I stood in that spot, looking around terrified. So much black..so much Gothic stuff....so much bad t-shirts that lets just say...do not have a happy look about them.
Yeah, it was that bad.
For one of the things for the assignment we had to interview a salesperson (we went to Nordstrom). I was the one who eagerly volunteered.
We had to turn in our papers, but once I get mine back I will post the questions and answers!!!
I didn't take a zillion pictures this time, my camera mostly remained in my bag. But I do have pictures of peoples stuff and yeah.
On the way to the class we were listing to the radio and they had the band Tenth Avenue North with them in the studio!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and guess what????? I was in Seattle the same time they were!! It was so awesome even though I didn't see them.