July 13, 2009

Be a rebel, open the wrong side of the popcorn bag.

Tommrow were planning on SEATTLE!! again!! yay!!

Ugh. We have had soooo many assignments for the class and one of them is design a shoe-box window display. So I of coarse went more a more modern, white look. There's this one lady Victoria who worked for Nickelodeon or whatever who now helps with the class and so she stopped by where I was sitting and said maybe it would be a good idea to put more color blahblahblabhhh.
I nodded and smiled, "Ok." "Oh yes!" "Yeah" came out of my mouth allot, while Inside I was just like, just smile and nod...smile and nod....
Yeah, I'm sticking with the all-white.

We also have had to design 3+ 'lines'. I picked casual (not like sweats and T-shirts, casual chic), office and U.S. Navy inspired.
And I was so excited when I finished my office line today. Yay!!
Now I just have to do one more casual look and 1 (MAYBE 2) U.S. Navy-inspired looks.
The teacher keeps saying, "its crunch time, ladies.." and stuff but I'm not totally worried about the drawings anymore since I only have like, 3 to do.
I have kinda a system down (ok, not really) where I work for an hour on one outfit (completely, from the light table to computer).

On the 17th we will be -LORD willing- in Alaska. I am trying to restrain myself from spending $$$ before the trip, so I can get some amazing peice there. But then again, theres not that much up there but oh well! got to pppellz deh eyes, eh??

Seattle tomorrow!!!! yay!
The only thing that is :( about it is that we will be in a regular mall...but whatever! It's still the city!!!!