May 6, 2010


So here we go...starting a new series of posts called 'Fashion Rules You Shouldn't Break'.
They are not really rules...more things to avoid (such as plastic shoes *cough cough* crocs...).
For the first rule...visible bra straps.

This is one of my personal pet peeves...when you see someone with multiple straps from their undershirt and bra. Its tacky, sloppy and kinda gross. No one cares to see what color bra you have. Please cover it up! Most bras these days are convertible, where you can switch it to racer-back. If you don't own one of these then consider putting on a cardigan or something underneath the shirt with wider straps to cover the bra straps. Or just replace the whole shirt altogether.

Even when it comes to t-shirts I suggest slipping a camisole or tank-top underneath (this is what I personally do not matter if its a crew neck or jewel neck). Because most t-shirts are thin and you can detect the imprint of the bra which, is not so stylish, ladies.

And since were on this somewhat awkward topic why don't I touch a bit on how important it is to have a bra that fits. IT IS SO IMPORTANT TO HAVE A BRA THAT FITS. Go in for a fitting to be assured that your getting the right size. Fit is everything- especially when it comes to the perfect outfit. Buy 2 or 3 so you can alternate throughout the week.

So remember to tuck away those bra straps...people do notice.