April 28, 2009

it's the day I've been waiting for...

the fashion class sign-ups!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND tomorrow is my birthday. :)

So I was logging onto my IM and the annoying box with all the adds/stories comes up, usually I just close it down when I noticed a seemingly gross article about some people not shampooing. ewewew.
I read the entire article though, and think it's pretty gross.
read it here

April 27, 2009

two days until meh bday!!!

So I am wearing some organic mascara stuff that came with my tinted moisturizer. The mascara rubs off and is so not working for meh. -_-
Anyways, I really like the Juicy Couture style..so yeah.

this bag is so cool!!! The only two things about it is it's nearly $200 and it has a fluffy fabric, which means if you spill something..not good.

How amazing is this chandelier???? It's only $899 at brocadehome.com

April 26, 2009

ugh this oxford is way to big on meh.

I guess some designers are trying to get novelty sweaters 'in'.

How can soon-to-be large, lumpy sweaters with gigantic animal heads be considered 'in'?
Like, for photo shoots and such it may be kind of cool, but in photo shoots any kind of strange look can be cool.

Before you shy away from Manish Arora's bold kittah-kittah look, take your eyes off the dress and onto the tights and purse.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the coat and the pouffe skirt by Jill Stuart!!!!!!!!!
Her fall ready-to-wear collection is totally like, vintage ballerina meets rocker chick. Of course, being more into vintage, I didn't really post allot of the 'rocker chick' stuff. :)
I absolutely adore this sage ruffled dress. And the hat?? Amazingness!!

April 24, 2009


aww! Thank you for remembering me!!!!! (yes, you! lol)

So at the clothing exchange we were in the back watching all the little kids and helping them make caterpillars out of egg cartons.
There was this one little boy, about three or so named Gawen or something...idk...anyways, who was like, glued to me. haha.
He had a whole army of Caterpillar egg carton things! When I said, "oh, that looks fabulous! what's his name?"
"Fabishaskdfjaskd" (he kinda got lost on the word after Fab. lol) and he had three named 'Eyesight'. Haha.
Then he was drawing pictures and gave one to me, and I thought, "ohmigoodness! this would be the perfect print!" but I let him take it with him. haha.

So our new LG washing machine came in today!!! AND it has a 'sanitizing' cycle!!!!!!!!

I need to e-mail this one lady her pictures of her with her fiance. Personally, I think the photo quality is like crappah but I guess she didn't really notice. lol.

Suddenly, I've been addicted to this song.
Reconize it? It's from the Lay's Potato chip commercail.

ugh, this old fossle laptop is running low on battery.

April 22, 2009

pshhhh, polar bears can swim.

Despite the fact that it's Earth Day I think I'll rebel and do a pink post today.
Besides, pink is my favorite color.
icons for your webbie:

I do not own any of the images above, all of them are from iconator.com
So yesterday was perfect and sunny and short-weather and today the little black rain cloud just had to come up and cover it all up.
Later tonight we are planning on going down to our town's community center and working at some kind of clothing-exchange for homeless/abused women and children. idk what we are doing exactly but yeah.
So I have like, 8 days till my bday and three until my mom's. I think that my brothers and I will pitch in and buy her like, a handbag or something. idk. I know she wants a GPS but like, those kinda require alot of ca-ca which I don't have.

April 21, 2009

nowaynowaynoway NO WAY!!!

Ok so today meh and four friends went to Goodwill to find clothing we could 'cut up'. We kinda got...sidetracked.
So we wandered over to the purses and started looking though them blankly.
So as I was looking though the red rack, I paused and pulled out a large PRADA BAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In public, we were (expect Ash-gurlll) freaking out jumping up and down and like freaking.
So then we combed though them, checking all the tags, labels, etc.
A few designer names we found:
-Kate Spade
-Calvin Klein

So overly excited I pulled a black GUESS bag and Amina bought it. I was totally ecstatic for her!!!
Then Allie got a Calvin Klein cosmetic bag and I got the Gucci one. It was so exciting!!!
Like, you can find fab stuff in Goodwill. That Gucci bag? $5.99

You just have to have time (which thankfully we did!!) to look at everything you can and hopefully, get a good deal.
Like, you don't have to pay a high price for a high fashion label.

April 20, 2009

stopped? no. Paused? yes.

Haven't updated in awhile.
Haven't updated about fashion in a zillion years.
Let's break the zillion years.

I love the basket with the polka dotted dress.

I absolutely adore the bold yellow against her skin.

Super cute. Love the glasses. Dress could be a bit longer...

Love the blue glasses!!! And that sparrow necklace I feel like I've seen somewhere before...at modcloth.com.
all images pulled from style.com

April 14, 2009

When everything seems to fall apart just bend down and pick up the peices

{*name changed for privacy of the human)
So today Ms.W and Ann* and I went up to the mall and got Ann's ears periced. Ann's eight and it is so freaky cus I got my ears periced in the exact same store! Twinzzzz.
Haha, but yeah. At first she was totally siked, then scared once they actually started to pull out the ear-pericer thing but was totally happy after. Once it started to sting her eyes watered a bit, but she was fine once we got ice cream.
We were in the mall exactly one hour.
It was pretty fun, and her ears look fab!
I would totally post pics of her new earings and stuff, but I forgot my camera and had to use Ms.W's so yeah.

So tomorrow is the last day of Passover then once it is dark we get to break the unleavened bread fast thingy with pizza!!

Oh, and about Elisha running away, they found her last night trying to check into a homeless shelter, but she was under aged so yeah. G-d was watching over her, defiantly.
Thank you for your prayers!!!

April 12, 2009


OK so like an acquaintance of mine, Elisha, ran away from her house on Friday night.
Like seriously, RAN AWAY.
So please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please pray for her safety and quick return home!!!!!

April 10, 2009


So I updated my flickr page and would like everyone to go check it out!

April 9, 2009

Pesach Shalom!!!

So my family and I went to a friend's for passover seader, which was cool.
So today we went to the Passover service at shul, but like, know one stayed until after four cus we weren't doing havdalah or anything.

BB was really fun. I got some great shots of my friend, Dani who loves modeling for meh. Which works well, cus I like takeing pictures. :)
Isin't this so cool?? --->
haha, it's an arrow!

April 4, 2009


First and foremost, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALLIE!!!!

Haha, I the term 'Editing the Studio' alot for 'leaving' and stuff. Why?
Cus Clive Pierce from some HGTV show and host of Design Star (EEEKK!!!) says that when the designers have been eliminated off the show.
I loovvveee HGTV'S Design Star!!

Ok, moving on...

So I won't be posting any new blogs until Wednesday, unless I can get Internet at the hotel, but I kinda doubt it so yeah.

So I'm going to be exiting the studio in like...woa, three hours.
Hmm, maybe I will post an actual post today then. :)
My cousin Haley, is doing way better with her breathing. Thank you for all of your prayers!!!

Shabbat Shalom!!!

[bday glitter] [shabbat graphic]

April 3, 2009

idk my bff jill

So one of my friends and I are planning on doing an ocean photo shoot type-thingy later in the week.
The sky's are prolly gonna be grey and the light flat, and I don't know what to do for her outfit!!!
Something contrasting to the scenery?
Maybe an umbrella somewhere?
Please post comments on what you think would be cool.
I think her mom's gonna do her makeup cus I totally stink at that kind of stuff. Usually Dana does the makeup cus she is really good at it but Dana won't be with us.
Ummm, so yeah! lol.
The Passover Seder is coming up soon, on Wednesday night actually. Excitement!!! :)

So I am on the CG site right now looking at the new products they have and there pretty cool. Like, bright colors that are totally spring but not neon.

My Top Picks:

April 2, 2009

Roses are red 2

We left for shopping at about 9:25 AM and got back about 10:00 PM.
Ms.Walden decided on her wedding dress at the first store.
It was about like, a zillion hours of waiting for her to get the dress on but yeah. :)
So then we went to lunch at a fabulous restraint while she made up her mind between two very different dresses.
Finlay, she made up her mind and tried on veils and tiaras but didn't buy any cus they were like, two hundred dollars each.
Finding the actual dress was really easy.
At the dress shop they also had 'prom dresses' hideous pieces of fabric slapped onto a hanger and drowned in sequins.

April 1, 2009

Roses are red

Okay so today at nine we are planning on going wedding dress shopping for Ms.Walden.
Ms.Walden is a very close friend to meh mother and yeah. She is letting me help pick out the decorations for the wedding, shoot photos during the wedding along with Carly, a pro photographer and a friend, so I don't really have to freak. But I'm still kinda nervous about taking wedding shots. :/
Oh well!

To my dismay, Ms.Walden doesn't want a big pouffy ballgown or anything, she wants something simple. Nahh.
Her wedding colors are going to be lavender and dusty blue.
Personally, my fav wedding dress designer is Maggie Sorento- but that's also like, one of the only two wedding dress designers I know about. Lolzzz.
My favorite dress by her is the Belinda:

Today will prolly be like, the only time I will post two blog posts in one day. 'Cus I want to tell you guys all about the dress she picked!!!

So yeah.