April 22, 2009

pshhhh, polar bears can swim.

Despite the fact that it's Earth Day I think I'll rebel and do a pink post today.
Besides, pink is my favorite color.
icons for your webbie:

I do not own any of the images above, all of them are from iconator.com
So yesterday was perfect and sunny and short-weather and today the little black rain cloud just had to come up and cover it all up.
Later tonight we are planning on going down to our town's community center and working at some kind of clothing-exchange for homeless/abused women and children. idk what we are doing exactly but yeah.
So I have like, 8 days till my bday and three until my mom's. I think that my brothers and I will pitch in and buy her like, a handbag or something. idk. I know she wants a GPS but like, those kinda require alot of ca-ca which I don't have.