aww! Thank you for remembering me!!!!! (yes, you! lol)
So at the clothing exchange we were in the back watching all the little kids and helping them make caterpillars out of egg cartons.
There was this one little boy, about three or so named Gawen or something...idk...anyways, who was like, glued to me. haha.
He had a whole army of Caterpillar egg carton things! When I said, "oh, that looks fabulous! what's his name?"
"Fabishaskdfjaskd" (he kinda got lost on the word after Fab. lol) and he had three named 'Eyesight'. Haha.
Then he was drawing pictures and gave one to me, and I thought, "ohmigoodness! this would be the perfect print!" but I let him take it with him. haha.
So our new LG washing machine came in today!!! AND it has a 'sanitizing' cycle!!!!!!!!
I need to e-mail this one lady her pictures of her with her fiance. Personally, I think the photo quality is like crappah but I guess she didn't really notice. lol.
Suddenly, I've been addicted to this song.
Reconize it? It's from the Lay's Potato chip commercail.
ugh, this old fossle laptop is running low on battery.