Kelly bought a pair of jeans..I think they were a dark wash J Brand. Amazing!!
After 'She' we went into Nordstom to use the bathroom. I looked around in the Misses department. They have dozens of thousands of beautifulllll coats!!!! Like this one fabulous chocolate leather one...ekk!
They are having some sale going on, basically instead of $500 for a pair of socks its $250. Oh what a deal. :P
We wandered down to the shoe department where I saw some cute suede boots that were marked down to like, $50. Which I think is extremely good for good quality boots that will last me a few years. (And yeah I say only a few years because my feet are still growing).
For me personally this kind of thing is motivating. Motivating to like, work hard so then I can someday walk in one of these stores and actually buy something.
Work hard and you will succeed!