But today my grandma, brothers, mom, Jacob, Haley and Drew (Jacobs close friend) went to the mall.
The mall is really, reallllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy small but yeah..
So my grandma took Haley and I to get our nails done. I got a french! :)
Anyways, my friends dad had a heart attack and his leg (idk which one) from the knee-down is amputated. PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM AND HIS FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So we went into Old Navy and then this reminded me to tell you!! NEVER buy the metallic old navy flip flops!!!
I got a pair of the silver ones (which I have to use. blarg!!) last summer and I HATE them!!! They are SO thick and made out of this weird material thing ugh there so horrid.
Stick to the 2 for $5 foamy ones..not the weird metallic ones. They deceit you with there sparkileness!!!