My mom thought I was bit by something, so I took it kinda...dramatically.
So today when I woke up, I had the same pain in my hands. So I did my schoolwork and then went up to practice trumpet. I couldn't handle practicing with the itch so I started praying.
A few hours later more and more started to show up, mostly on my feet. Freaking out, I quickly called my mom, who was in a lunch meeting.
Inhaling, I contacted my dad and he suggested that it may be measles. So I went to google exactly what measles were, and discovered a few syntoms that I had. Coughing and runny nose.
But after several phone calls to my dad later, I realized that they usually are red and brown before they go away. These bumps were pretty much skin colored, maybe just a slight shade of red.
Remembering that a few nights ago I had a mango smoothie, I quickly called my friend Kayla, who is also allergic to mango's.
After asking her what exactly happened to her when she ate mango's. Her mom knows about healing and stuff so I was talking to her.
We started to talk, trying to figure out the root problem to this, which was fear.
Though I couldn't exactly pin point exactly what I was afraid of (the bumps, mostly) she read the bible verse, 1st Timothy 1:5. She said to pray about it, clamming healing over my body. (Which I did before, many times).
So after hanging up I started to pray again and soon enough, the bumps started to reduce ever so slightly. As I type, they have gone down greatly, and the urge to itch isn't so urgent. I can handle not reaching down and scratching them now.
Weather you have a fever, cancer or even an allergic reaction like I did, if you just pray and believe that G-d has the power to heal, it will happen. Honestly.
This entry today wasn't really on fashion (lol) so I guess I will put in a little style.
This is an awesome example of how yellow can be used on garments. I love how the yellow was used in this outfit. Defiantly more than a pop- more like a splash. But used ever so stylishly. And by paring it with black and white, it doesn't seem so crazy and cluttered.