Soah, I'd like to clarifiah why I say 'mum' insted of mother or whatever. Idk realy why, It just sounds more nahh and stuff.
Oh!!! I am realllyyy excited for this summer if I do get to go to the fashion classes. And then if Amina get's too go then we'd be like twinz! lol.
Sadly Safia can't come cus she is too young. :(
Sadly Safia can't come cus she is too young. :(
So meh bday is coming up and I am really excited cus meh and my mom are planning to go to Seattle. I lovvve Seattle so much. I am really excited to go back into the Betsy Johnson store and just look at the Evening Tea Party Dress.
That is like, meh and Amina's favorite dress of all time.
So a few days ago my mom got one of the OPI south beach collection nail polishes and I was like, "OHH!!! I DID A THINGY ON THAT!" It was really coo. The color is like, "OPI on Collions street" or

So there is this really coo shoe from PRADA and it is just sooo cool!!! I love it. It is so much better than there Paten-leather studded Mohawk shoe. Ick. I hated that shoe.