March 31, 2009
28 Days!
March 30, 2009
Apple Juice
March 28, 2009
You can buy yourself one, but each address must be filled out in your own writing.There is no age limit, as long as you can write clearly.Don't be afraid to get more than one! One for your mom, dad, you and any other older sibling.
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
March 26, 2009
Ugh. Peoplah.
Sadly Safia can't come cus she is too young. :(

So there is this really coo shoe from PRADA and it is just sooo cool!!! I love it. It is so much better than there Paten-leather studded Mohawk shoe. Ick. I hated that shoe.
March 23, 2009
March 22, 2009
kittah kittah
THEN I found these really, really, really, really REALLY stunning shoes designed by ELLE {ahh!!!!} and they are just super awesome. I will post pictures maybe tomorrow...don't really feal like it today.
And the best part??? They used to be just about $60.00, I got them for $11.99. ELEVEN NINETY-NINE. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?????
And my mom is like, totally okay with me wearing them cus they are so chic!!! I am so blessed that my mom knows about fashion and stuff.
So I am planning on going up into northern Washington with Dani and her mum and bro and yeah. So Dani and I are planning on doing a photo shoot over by the beach. {btw, Dani wants to be a model}.
Um, so yeah. :)
March 20, 2009
Daily dose of drama.
My mom thought I was bit by something, so I took it kinda...dramatically.
So today when I woke up, I had the same pain in my hands. So I did my schoolwork and then went up to practice trumpet. I couldn't handle practicing with the itch so I started praying.
A few hours later more and more started to show up, mostly on my feet. Freaking out, I quickly called my mom, who was in a lunch meeting.
Inhaling, I contacted my dad and he suggested that it may be measles. So I went to google exactly what measles were, and discovered a few syntoms that I had. Coughing and runny nose.
But after several phone calls to my dad later, I realized that they usually are red and brown before they go away. These bumps were pretty much skin colored, maybe just a slight shade of red.
Remembering that a few nights ago I had a mango smoothie, I quickly called my friend Kayla, who is also allergic to mango's.
After asking her what exactly happened to her when she ate mango's. Her mom knows about healing and stuff so I was talking to her.
We started to talk, trying to figure out the root problem to this, which was fear.
Though I couldn't exactly pin point exactly what I was afraid of (the bumps, mostly) she read the bible verse, 1st Timothy 1:5. She said to pray about it, clamming healing over my body. (Which I did before, many times).
So after hanging up I started to pray again and soon enough, the bumps started to reduce ever so slightly. As I type, they have gone down greatly, and the urge to itch isn't so urgent. I can handle not reaching down and scratching them now.
Weather you have a fever, cancer or even an allergic reaction like I did, if you just pray and believe that G-d has the power to heal, it will happen. Honestly.

March 19, 2009
On the Bright Side
Yellow is one of the hardest color's to take in, so use it carefully. Like a pop of yellow in a scarf or bright pump. Maybe layer the color, keeping it tucked under but still visible.
I was totally inspired to start writing some articles about various different colors after reading some of my new Kate Spade book, 'Style'. AHH! I am TOTALLY happy to finally receive it. Man, ships fasttt.
I think this article calls for one of my fav songs, Yellow by Coldplay.
March 18, 2009
Look for the wind in his yellow hair

Pic from iTunes
March 16, 2009
That e-harmony commercial made me want to throw a bowl at the television.
On Sunday I did a photo shoot. It was urban and chic but still high fashion...almost. My bff Kayla's hair was teased up like crazy scientist but she rocked the look. It was freezinggg here but anything for the photo! I did her hair, and Dana did the makeup.
These looks are absolutely amazing. I mean- there were a few...shots I didn't fancy but I love the colors!!! So fab.
March 13, 2009
Am I the only one who freaked when I found out Genovia isin't a real country?
March 12, 2009
So bright, you need shades
It is a nice break from those clunky (but awesomeee) 80's sunglasses that were hot last summer.
What I love about these epic glasses is that they have that retro-glam vibe about them.
The original Ray-Ban Wayfarer glasses can cost up to $200.00. But for those of us who want to get that look all for under $10.00, check out this fabulous find.
The Classic Wayfarers,, $9.99
Also available in four more stylish shades.
But for those who want the orignals,
Ray-Ban Classic Wayfarer,, $189.99
thinkah thinkah
Soon the state of Washington will allow me to get one the moment I turn 14. So yeah.
I'm thinking about applying at a near by hair salon, cleaning up and stuff.
But yeah.
I just figure that my taist in clothing is only gonna get more and more expensive, so I may as well start raking up some actual dough instead of my every once and a while allowance.
Let the hunt begin.
March 11, 2009
OPI South Beach Collection

March 10, 2009
Your another year closer to dieing.
Alexa couldn't come to the hotel due to strep throat so Emily came (YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I was super excited to wear my fabbbliousss Ralph Lauren Polo flip flops (!!!) to the pool.

March 7, 2009
sad I have to miss chuch, but this would be my first event I have photographed. (All for free- so it's not work)
Then we are planning to exit at two o'clock to the hotel. Yay! I am super excited. I have an excuse to wear my new Ralph Lauren Polo flip flops at the pool!! Yay!!!
So like, last Saturday my friend Emily's younger brother, Joshua was wearing his Polo glasses. I finally recognized they were Ralph Lauren, "OH! Those are- those are Ralph Lauren Polo!!"
Niki-who is into fashion as well-nods, "Oh yeah!"
"Oh!! I have flip flops that are Polo too!"
"You have designer flip flops?" Emily chuckles, her eyebrows raised.
So yeah, flashbackkk.
Um, so yeah. Shabat Shalom everyone!!
March 6, 2009
exclamation points for excitment and arggggggggg
March 5, 2009
And why isin't Mr.Clean real...?
And considering I only have one skirt-a vintage-looking a-line with different fabrics. Fabulous.- I had to go with that and a white blouse and vest. I identified myself as looking as a clown, even though It was all in my head. I mean, the outfit was cute. Just...different from what everyone else was wearing.
Amina looked so fabulous in her new dress!!!! The color ROCKS against her light flesh!!! Safia thankfully got a dress on her second run to Kohles.
The party was great and I am now sitting here, knowing I should really clean up my room a bit and make a list of everything I need for Saturday-Sunday.
Saturday night after shul I am planning on going with my friend Dana to a hotel for her 16th birthday. Alexa, Virgina, Kayla and Allie are also coming. Then on Sunday we are planning on shopping.
When we were at Forever 21 on Wednesday morning, I saw the cutest sundress!!! It was a bold blue...hehe. [I'm a summer, so I am so post to wear muted, grey tones.] Oh well!!
Well, gotta eat. Wonder what we are consuming tonight...
March 4, 2009
Mission Accomplished.

When we were on the search for the perfect dress, we walked into Charlotte Russe's store. I had seen her website and again, Amina and I were like, OH!!!! CHARLOTTE RUSSE! It was totally awesome. <333
March 3, 2009
A Little Bit of Ahavah
So today I went dress shopping with my two Friends, Amina and Safia. Expect, after browsing though many different stores, we didn't find one. We did see one she loved but it wasn't really useful for casual wear...
So we are going shopping again tomorrow in the morning! We were only able to go to the smaller mall, and tomorrow if it is the LORD's will, we are planning on going shopping at the larger and upgraded mall where Forever 21 and H and M is.
I should start doing the 'What I Wore Today' or something kind of post, but I don't have like, amazing pieces quite yet!!!
My friend Allison is creating a makeup blog, where you can all find out the latest in cosmetic trends. Go check her out;
March 2, 2009
What would we do without spell check?
I received the latest InStyle magazine last night, I honestly screamed when I got it by surprise. But I do have to say that I like the Elle magazine better, it doesn't have all celebrity's and stuff. Or maybe I just like it better because I want to work for it. :) Amina, Safia and I hopefully will be shopping tomorrow to pick out an outfit for a friends party. All of us have like, nothing new to wear and are dyeing to go back to H and M. On Thursday when in Seattle, we went into H and M and I found the most amazing white coat for $34. I just have to get it.
I have an obsession with coats, especially blazer jackets. So far, I have one cropped light yellow trench and a black and white tweed blazer.
While looking for some 'Get that look' items, I came accost a amazing belt;
J.Crew skinny leather belt, $29.50 Okay so maybe I wouldn't spent thirty dollars on a belt, but you have to admit that this is just delicious! I am in love with the color and the fact that this stylish little piece is so usable in so many ways! You can use it over flowey tops, jackets, jeans, slacks, dresses and anything you can think of!
So yes, that is my post for today. Nothing to exciting to say the least. This week is moving by slowly, and it's only Monday.
March 1, 2009
It isin't some magical creature who lives online! It's real!!
So there me and my mother stand on the street corner, some random guy next to us. I look over at the shop again, and the name catches my attention. Betsy Johnson. I literally start jumping up and down, clapping my hands, "Its BETSY JOHNSON MOM!!! BETSY JOHNSON!!!" I imagine the random dude looks over at me like, what in the world?!
Once we cross the street, I dart over and gaze in the window. "MOM! MOM! That's- that's the Evening Tea Party dress!!! You know, the one on my bulletin board?!" The Evening Tea Party dress first caught my attention while searching online. It comes in a variety of colors, all poufy and frilly.
I stand there gazing though the all-glass door, hazel eyes wide. I stare in disbelief for a moment.
We have to get to the salon quickly, so my mom says we can go in quickly after the appointment.
AFTER THE APOITMENT-- I practically dart in and touch the amazing dress. My mom looks at the price as I droll over it. "It's so pretty." I exclaim softly, gazing over the pink-and-white version.
"It's also almost five hundred dollars." My mom says, glancing at the tag.
We have to leave to get back to in front of AE Outfitters, where we were selling.
That dress is absolutely divine. If I had $500 with me, I would have bought it in a heart beat.
My mom is also into fashion, but she holds me back to making snap decisions.
As we walk away, I am still hyped-up, "I can't believe it [the store] is real! It isn't some magical creature who lives online! It's real!!"