In case you haven't figured it out yet...I'm Messanic.
I'm sure that will decrease that hits and visitors on my blog but oh well.
I'm sure that will decrease that hits and visitors on my blog but oh well.
And just in case you haven't realized it yet, this blog- my blog- has turned from an all-fashion product-review into a my life.
And I like it like that.
But don't worry, this blog is about my life and so it must be about fashion also, since fashion is a big part of meh life.
So last night (Erev of Sukkot AND Erev of Shabbat Oooh two in one!) our congregation was under the large sukkah, singing and stuff. I was out of the sukkah, around the fire with some of my freezing friends.
Uggs- Ugh or love?
My friend Morgan had a pair of these cute Uggs. (I usually hate Uggs but these looked really cute on her and how she was wearing them).
They weren't tucked into any over-sized sweat pant *shivers*, they wern't paired with guy's basketball shorts, they were with good skinny jeans that looked good on her.
So, why am I on at 10:41 in the morning on a Shabbat? Shouldn't we be trekking that hour distance to shul? Well, my brothers are in baseball and so the games unfortunately fall on Shabbat. I usually get a ride with someone but today I have to go to the game and THEN we will head down to service.
Like, right now they are warming up or something and then I'll go to there game.