that I will go with a yellow/white bedroom or a green/white w/ a little bit of yellow bedroom.
White walls occurred to me at one point but then I said no, just because I am in love with the color white I would like, not do white walls....well I would prolly but my moms like, "Why would you do white when you can do color?" so yee.
Like, I looked at IKEA for some inspiration but there wasn't that much- I'm stuck between modern and traditional.Which like, two of the large pieces in my room is modern, so I am kinda stuck with that- which is prolly good cus then yeah.
Then again, I do not like my golden yellow walls so why would I like, want to go with another yellow? maybe if its more yellow, watery whiteish then that would be more refreshing and soft then a bold, vibrant almost gold.
Blue? nah, I haven't really ever been a blue-room person. But I do love navy.
I definitely love the minimalist look, with not allot of 'stuff'. Clean, contemporary lines- yes I guess I will go with modern. Not like I had a choice anyway.
I know, I know that a room shouldn't look like its out of a page in a magazine, but what if it was Domino magazine??