June 28, 2009
It's like...what?!??!
Sure he yelled on his commericals about buying oxiclean, but...tearstearstears.
So sad.
Like, MJ died to but its like yeah.
It's still just like what? ya know?
just totally doesn't seem so.
death is not my friend.
June 24, 2009
its 6:51 and my hair is still wet...
We are leaving in about nine minutes and I still need to do my bangs so bye!!!
June 23, 2009
thank you!!!!!!!!!
Another majorly exciting thing is...FASHION CLASSES START TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!
June 22, 2009
cheep and chic: Photo Storage Boxes
This one from The Container Store is neat. Not wanting to spend $12.99 on a paper box? I don't blame you. IKEA has small, yet stylish ones for about $6.99 for two! {At IKEA they are called CD or DVD boxes}.
White isn't your choice of color? Don't worry! They come in a multitude of colors, pa terns and sizes!!
All in all I love them becuse they are a simple to hide the mess, while keeping it cheep and chic.
June 21, 2009
New York!!!
Oh well.
Here is a hideous creation of Jean-Charles de Castelbajac. The hideous colors strike against a certan someones face.
They never did that for Bush.
UGH. I hate it! HATE IT!!! Why must people make such a big deal about Obama winning? sure you can be...proud.. of your country but honestly really seriously people!
June 19, 2009
i am alive!!!

June 14, 2009
I am about to be forced to embrace the wilderness...
That means no blog posts until Thursday.
June 12, 2009
"How can I reduce the zits on my face?"
"How can I reduce the zits on my face?"
Let's face it, no one has perfect skin.
Whether your eleven or seventeen, your bound to get some kind of ugly temporay facial marking.
You scrub and scrub, pile on the products and wake up in the morning with false hope lingering over you. Only to find they have increased drastically, the little devils climbing all up you nose and onto your forehead.
Okay, okay. Maybe not that dramatic. But you get the point.
One of my secrets to remove blemishes is toothpaste.
What? Yes, toothpaste.
Your totally going to need to trust me on this one.
What you will need is a basic toothpaste such as Crest or Colgate. It can't have whitening in it.
After washing your face like you normally do with cleanser -I recommend the Mary Kay Velocity- take a small amount onto your finger, then apply to the spots with acne. ONLY apply to the places where you have acne. Like, it's ok if it touches your skin (lol) just don't smuther your entire face in toothpaste!
Wait about twenty minuets. It will feel a bit uncomfortable and might feel as if it's burning it. DO NOT WIPE IT OFF just because it feels a bit painful!!!! It's cleaning out the pore and going to cause the pimple/zit to not grow any larger!!
Then just wash it off after twenty minuets and apply your moisturizer.
Repeat this prosses for a few days, you should see results!!
June 7, 2009
double twinz!!
There was alot of screaming and yelling and happiness! It was totally fun!!
Emily gave me a most awesome necklace!!!!!!!!!!! Its a vintage typewriter key with the letter J on it! I LOVEEE LOVELOVELOVE it!!
Then Indigo gave me a paperboy hat!!! The same amazing one she has! so were like twinz!! I love the hat so much, I have it on mah head right now!!
I absolutely adore each of the cards!
I love the handmade ones so much!!
It was nice to see all mah friends today!!
So a few nights ago I was looking up about Dragons in the bible, a few intresting verses are:
Ps. 91:13
You shall tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shall you trample under feet.
Revelation 16:13 Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
I started to write a paper but I never finished it. lol.
So I'm thinking about painting my nails black. But then it's like, 'well what if the humans think i'm like, emuu -yes, I say emu- or whatever?' but then it's like, 'but you don't look emu so like, it'd be fine.'
So I was trying to dig out my black nail polish but I couldn't find it. So the clear coat sits alone on my finger nails.
[why clear coat? you should always apply a clear coat whenever you are about to use a dark color to keep it from staining your nails].
June 2, 2009
So I just ordered a Dell Mini 10 in pink!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!
Like, all our computers (expect for my moms but that doesn't really count) are like SO old and super, super thick. So it will be so amazing to have a light weight, NEW laptop!!!!
AND IT'S PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!