"How can I reduce the zits on my face?"
Let's face it, no one has perfect skin.
Whether your eleven or seventeen, your bound to get some kind of ugly temporay facial marking.
You scrub and scrub, pile on the products and wake up in the morning with false hope lingering over you. Only to find they have increased drastically, the little devils climbing all up you nose and onto your forehead.
Okay, okay. Maybe not that dramatic. But you get the point.
One of my secrets to remove blemishes is toothpaste.
What? Yes, toothpaste.
Your totally going to need to trust me on this one.
What you will need is a basic toothpaste such as Crest or Colgate. It can't have whitening in it.
After washing your face like you normally do with cleanser -I recommend the Mary Kay Velocity- take a small amount onto your finger, then apply to the spots with acne. ONLY apply to the places where you have acne. Like, it's ok if it touches your skin (lol) just don't smuther your entire face in toothpaste!
Wait about twenty minuets. It will feel a bit uncomfortable and might feel as if it's burning it. DO NOT WIPE IT OFF just because it feels a bit painful!!!! It's cleaning out the pore and going to cause the pimple/zit to not grow any larger!!
Then just wash it off after twenty minuets and apply your moisturizer.
Repeat this prosses for a few days, you should see results!!